Hello again. Last week I posted my independent article on applying HLTV's 2.0 rating formula to VALORANT. I have now updated the results to include all the stats from the event.
Check out my article on medium for fancier pictures and an in depth description of how these ratings were made and some of the drawbacks to using this formula.
Just to be clear, these are not particularly good VALORANT stats, but they do give you a general picture of what HLTV's rating would look like if applied to VALORANT.
Here are the final ratings.
MaKo 1.34
yay 1.32
ScreaM 1.32
aspas 1.31
Sayapla 1.27
f0rsake 1.26
SugarZ3 1.24
Jamppi 1.22
Marved 1.22
Jinggg 1.22
Fearoth 1.20
hoody 1.20
xand 1.17
stax 1.17
sScary 1.16
Sacy 1.15
Nivera 1.14
Zest 1.14
Victor 1.14
BuZz 1.13
Laz 1.13
Mixwell 1.13
crashie 1.11
TENNN 1.10
Benkai 1.09
Less 1.08
soulcas 1.06
cauanzi 1.06
Surf 1.06
H1ber 1.05
L1NK 1.05
JonahP 1.05
Mistic 1.04
Sushibo 1.03
nukkye 1.03
Dep 1.02
keznit 1.02
valyn 1.02
pancada 1.01
NagZ 0.99
d4v41 0.99
foxz 0.98
bezn1 0.98
Klaus 0.97
neT 0.96
delz1k 0.95
Rb 0.94
crow 0.94
bnj 0.92
Jonn 0.90
mindfre 0.90
FNS 0.90
saadhak 0.89
trent 0.88
Mazino 0.86
AvovA 0.85
Crws 0.85
Meddo 0.81
Boaster 0.65