Riot Games have announced that a second member of LOUD LOUD Brazil Rank #1 dgzin Douglas Silva v1nny Vínicius Gonçalves pANcada Bryan Luna tuyz Arthur Andrade cauanzin Cauan Pereira tested positive for COVID-19. LOUD have confirmed that the affected player is sentinel Felipe "Less" de Loyola Basso.

VALORANT Champions Tour
Statement from Alex Francois, Global Head of Competitive Operations, Riot Games

Second player from LOUD returns positive COVID-19

Riot previously announced that aspas had tested positive on April 9. This second positive test came through only a day later on April 10.

According to statements from LOUD, Less is asymptomatic and vaccinated. Both he and aspas will be unable to compete from the stage. They will play from isolation, while the rest of LOUD and their opponents will compete from nearby rooms.

They are scheduled to play Team Liquid Team Liquid Europe Rank #9 paTiTek Patryk Fabrowski kamyk Maks Rychlewski nAts Ayaz Akhmetshin Keiko Georgio Sanassy kamo Kamil Frąckowiak on April 14 during the first round of the playoffs.