NA loses to APAC
NA: 😭😭😭 cringy comp unluckyEMEA loses to BR
EMEA: it was easy without derke 😭😭😭 close game 😭😭😭 unluckyBR player gets called a "primate"
BR fans: did not like that 😕
EMEA/NA: 😡😡😡 BR cry baby 😡😡😡
LATAM: yeah "primate" in spanish means "my really good friend, hottie good player"
If someone was ur friend u can call them that forever even if their scenery massacrated u and exiled u for being RRRRRRR
Grow up guys, if u don't care about something doesn't mean that people that care are cry baby, if u don't care just leave it alone and go live ur life with ur heads under the sand