I guess they were more methodical compared to last time but they make so many stupid plays, peeking b main every round pushing smokes jumping into ult repeek constantly. Optic is good tactically but they could not adapt, they look really lost and they made a lot of mistakes. NA icebox is played a lot slower and a lot less risky, hence why sea is constantly dogshit internationally, kids will downvote but they know im right.
Bronzil/Bra71L woke up feeling dangerous 😈😈😏
0 matches won 👀😲 0 clutches won🥵 100 % duels lost💯💯💯 10/10 shouts completed👍 2/2 participation trophy ✅ Ice colddd🥶🥶❄️ better than NA
Meet Bronzil/Bra71L Win some matches?😂😂💯🤣, No amigo we shout after winning one round and throw kkkkkkkkkk Give me freedom Give me fire Give me free masters slot Or I retire