the "leaked" 100T roster

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So I know George Geddes reported on the potential roster, and I really don't have any problems with it other than Ethan leaving...(might partially be because he is my favorite player on the team) but I wanted to talk about it here with other VLR users...so here it is. I just don't understand why the roster couldn't be:

Asuna - Primary oper/Duelist (I know Asuna's Jett is what people talk about, but if you compare it stat for stat game for game he is not really far behind the top Jetts in NA in those games. He holds his own for sure. & the addition of Stellar allows him to not be on Chamber and instead play his best roles of Raze/Reyna where necessary)
bang - Flex/Secondary Duelist (confident, smart, and flexible player who has a really high ceiling in a position where he can frag and support his team)
DerrekOW - Sova/Secondary Flex (Do I have to say anything? Top 5 sova and literally carried Rise for months)
stellar - Sentinel (great IGL and sentinel..I mean look at this guys stats and VODs...dude is nuts)
Ethan - Controller (started the game playing Omen and he is an incredibly smart & clutch player)

unless Ethan doesn't want to play smokes which would kinda suck because this team could be nuts...


Agree with the Asuna jett point, his jett has improved a lottt


I think it was just a matter of is asuna better as a flex or a duelist if flex (what it seems they have chosen) and with derrek coming in on sova if they want a dedicated igl it will have to be smokes or sentinel. If smokes then bang has to go and ethan plays sentinel if sentinel then you have to chose who you like more out of bang and ethan. There is also just chemistry issues where ethan might not fit or like the new structure.


yeah true appreciate your response brotha <3


It's not the asuna jett it's asuna moving away from rifles to play op + ethan said in a recent stream that he hates playing smokes but he likes playing omen so maybe he refused to be the controller


Where's my man Spencer


Welp, according the the rumours and reports, he is most likely out out :(

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