There's are no hype team No Sen No Memes BR Player Kr huh π Who care about Sea and JP
The only Team I can hype on is TL
G2 is still there, they'll find someone to trashtalk
True , they will roast Atleast someone
cant wait for the entry tho benkai+ booster
This time Airplane maybe against NA team
u mean prx vs na team?
no hype team? ChokeGold2 is
Seed 1 - hype team Ok ok
Seed 1 cuz the REAL seed 1 team are not able to play...
Liquid have a large following but their social media manager is actual ass and rarely tweets anything
Agree Their social media interaction is quite bad
Even the guard is better
How do i apply to become social media manager.let me dm the main liquid acc
Thought you already were the analyst
I thought i was until they didnt use my comps against fpx
Hope Scream does the press conference
Yeah ZETA will destroy any NA team
We need ScreaM in the press conference
1 sentence the man says and he becomes rent free in NA's head
22's Loud has something similar to 16's Luminosity. An overwhelming team that the world refuses to notice. Underdog coming from an underrated region and making history. Wait and see
wait and see
Little bit of hopium but there is chance for Loud to do really well.