Things nobody know why Riot do so

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While EMEA is a fusion of Turkey, EU and CIS Countries like Japan, Korea, Brazil have seperated Qualifiers and theres no excuse about why they do so. In EMEA we have a lot of Ping diffs too and nobody is crying because of this (anymore). Wish Masters and Champions were really designed for the best of the best but with this childish system we have we will once again have Teams at Masters that doesn't deserve it and will end up winning not a single Match once again.

NA should be fused with Brazil and LATAM so we would see only the best ones of America and not the ones who make it because there is no real competition in their small and isolated Region that is dominated by the Rich Orgs. I doubt the Ping diffs would be harder to deal than EMEA is dealing with for 2 years now.

Mix whole Asian scene together like KR, JP, APAC, SEA and not seperate them or make it so every Region is completely seperated.

And please don't tell me it's because of Viewers since it's not like the fans can't watch their Fav Teams Qual Games.

Also everyone saw it coming that Russian citizens won't get out of their Country to Countries like Iceland and Riot could have changed the location at least 3 weeks ago in my opinion.
they could have changed the location to Countries like Turkey since it's the only Country near EU that didn't sanction or block Russians from entering it. Also we all love Kebab and it would be a real W for all the Val Teams and Staff.

Also why Iceland again when you have so many Fans around the World and you could do this Show always in a different place so everyone gets to see something new. But nope, Riot will do Masters and Champions forever in Iceland and Berlin and this is kinda boring, even for the Viewers.


Masters Istanbul


good idea my friend πŸ‘


Masters Antarctica


It's forbidden to enter Antarctica for anyone except Scientists and US Military but nt (not tenz)


nt antartica watch party


what are they hidding


penguins are actually tryna invade the rest of the world and currently theres a nucleur war there.


While EMEA is a fusion of Turkey, EU and CIS Countries like Japan, Korea, Brazil have seperated Qualifiers and theres no excuse about why they do so. In EMEA we have a lot of Ping diffs too and nobody is crying because of this (anymore). Wish Masters and Champions were really designed for the best of the best but with this childish system we have we will once again have Teams at Masters that doesn't deserve it and will end up winning not a single Match once again.

NA should be fused with Brazil and LATAM so we would see only the best ones of America and not the ones who make it because there is no real competition in their small and isolated Regionthat is dominated by the Rich Orgs. I doubt the Ping diffs would be harder to deal than EMEA is dealing with for 2 years now.

Mix whole Asian scene together like KR, JP, APAC, SEA and not seperate them or make it so every Region is completely seperated.

And please don't tell me it's because of Viewers since it's not like the fans can't watch their Fav Teams Qual Games.

Also everyone saw it coming that Russian citizens won't get out of their Country to Countries like Iceland and Riot could have changed the location at least 3 weeks ago in my opinion.
they could have changed the location to Countries like Turkey since it's the only Country near EU that didn't sanction or block Russians from entering it. Also we all love Kebab and it would be a real W for all the Val Teams and Staff.

Also why Iceland again when you have so many Fans around the World and you could do this Show always in a different place so everyone gets to see something new. But nope, Riot will do Masters and Champions forever in Iceland and Berlin and this is kinda boring, even for the Viewers.


the whole europe continent is basically the same size as Indonesia so grouping Asia together doesn't make any sense at all.


While EMEA is a fusion of Turkey, EU and CIS Countries like Japan, Korea, Brazil have seperated Qualifiers and theres no excuse about why they do so. In EMEA we have a lot of Ping diffs too and nobody is crying because of this (anymore). Wish Masters and Champions were really designed for the best of the best but with this childish system we have we will once again have Teams at Masters that doesn't deserve it and will end up winning not a single Match once again.

NA should be fused with Brazil and LATAM so we would see only the best ones of America and not the ones who make it because there is no real competition in their small and isolated Regionthat is dominated by the Rich Orgs. I doubt the Ping diffs would be harder to deal than EMEA is dealing with for 2 years now.

Mix whole Asian scene together like KR, JP, APAC, SEA and not seperate them or make it so every Region is completely seperated.

And please don't tell me it's because of Viewers since it's not like the fans can't watch their Fav Teams Qual Games.

Also everyone saw it coming that Russian citizens won't get out of their Country to Countries like Iceland and Riot could have changed the location at least 3 weeks ago in my opinion.
they could have changed the location to Countries like Turkey since it's the only Country near EU that didn't sanction or block Russians from entering it. Also we all love Kebab and it would be a real W for all the Val Teams and Staff.

Also why Iceland again when you have so many Fans around the World and you could do this Show always in a different place so everyone gets to see something new. But nope, Riot will do Masters and Champions forever in Iceland and Berlin and this is kinda boring, even for the Viewers.


Idk about APAC, KR, JP. But if we would play vs NA, the ping dif would be about 120. I think in EMEA you play at like 20ms x 70ms at max


bro said combine NA and Latam and brazil :skull:


What 0 sense of geography does to a guy


We get it, you are scared your overrated Brazilian Teams wouldn't see a single Masters if they would have to deal with Squirtle Squad and Brimstone Gaming




HAHAHAHAHAAH what if we used 0% of our brain


Says a Brazilian who is obv. too scared that none of your Teams would make it out of Brazil if you would have to deal with NA


You're dumb. You obviously skipped school. Brazilian states are larger than whole European countries.


Your Orgs are all Rich af so they can arrange some places as near as possible to NA so why this malding for nothing?


zombs big balls


hey do you live in planet earth


Yes, living in the core of Planet Earth.

Explain how it's ok when turkish Teams aim diff EU Teams always with high ping but it would be bad if Brazilians get destroyed by NA or whatever or APAC get destroyed by DRX and CR because they have more game sense? I knew weak Region Fans will mald hard on this thread. Wheres your Geography when it comes to EMEA? For people like you it's just comedy when EMEA play with huge Ping diffs but for your Tier 3 Regions it's not acceptable, right?




they should just make it similar to apex legends, APAC S, APAC N, NA EMEA, SA


so just merge kr and jp? and brazil and latam?




Most of them are happening for LCQ. APAC will be divided into two, APAC North (KR/JP) and APAC South (SEA/SA/OCE). Most of them are still the same.


MiX tHe wHoLe aSiaN sCenE ToGeThEr. bro do you know how far india is to japan and from japan to OCE?


8 miles? and yes, Turkish people from Turkey travel to North Europa by bike since it's so near. Some even walk from Russia to France because Europa is so tiny man. I can jump from Belgium to italy literally.


asia geography 404


While EMEA is a fusion of Turkey, EU and CIS Countries like Japan, Korea, Brazil have seperated Qualifiers and theres no excuse about why they do so. In EMEA we have a lot of Ping diffs too and nobody is crying because of this (anymore). Wish Masters and Champions were really designed for the best of the best but with this childish system we have we will once again have Teams at Masters that doesn't deserve it and will end up winning not a single Match once again.

EU, CIS, Turkey (and MENA) is to EMEA is what SEA is to APAC. There are too many variables to justify giving each subregion their own slots on a Masters or Champions event. It would probably work if it weren't for the fact that there would be a massive overhaul of the tournament and circuit points system for the entire competitive circuit. Added with the scene at its infancy (we're still 2 years old ffs), there'll be room for growth and improvement.

NA should be fused with Brazil and LATAM so we would see only the best ones of America and not the ones who make it because there is no real competition in their small and isolated Region that is dominated by the Rich Orgs. I doubt the Ping diffs would be harder to deal than EMEA is dealing with for 2 years now.

Do you want ping problems? That's how you get ping problems. Riot servers are built so each shard has their own servers. Learn from APAC LCQ last year where KR, JP, SA, and SEA were all together and ping was a massive issue as the tournament goes. Thankfully with mitigations and planning it wasn't too much of a hassle in the end, but it still paints a picture of what an NA/BR/LATAM unified event would be online.

Mix whole Asian scene together like KR, JP, APAC, SEA and not seperate them or make it so every Region is completely separated.

I want to laugh so bad at this. See: APAC LCQ and any inter-regional tournament. Ping difference here is garbage It's playable, but it's utter doo doo. You will get ping problems, and people will complain about it. The level of competitiveness is already different between each region, and reminder that SEA is in APAC so your statement is invalid anyway at the start. KR and JP are big enough to sustain themselves while it's true that SEA would be fine as its own region, with the inclusion of South Asia and OCE in the mix, APAC is necessary. Also SEA counts for 6 subregions. Thankfully, this year's APAC LCQ will see an APAC North (KR/JP) and an APAC South (SEA/SA/OCE) so it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

Also why Iceland again when you have so many Fans around the World and you could do this Show always in a different place so everyone gets to see something new. But nope, Riot will do Masters and Champions forever in Iceland and Berlin and this is kinda boring, even for the Viewers.

At this point, it's a surefire-safe location. It's boring, but the fact that Riot has done MSI 2021, Masters 2 2021, and Worlds 2021 (after relocation), it's clear Riot is comfortable on making Iceland a new hub for their live events if push comes to shove. Obviously this is changed sooner or later, but I can understand their reasoning.


It would be nice , sadge that not gonna happen

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