Does anyone have a bold prediction on what's going to happen with Sinatraa? If he is proven innocent, that is. What team do you guys think he is going to transfer over to?
I'd say put Penny, Wardell or Asuna there instead if we are talking duelists. However in general. I think Shahzam is better than all of them just due to the value he has as an IGL, Coach and Fragger all combined. Maybe even SicK, even though he played better online than LAN. (And I'm not even a fan of Sentinels.)
Sinatraa is a very good player. Any team wanna have him in their team.
The question is "Which org ready to take the people blabber about the scandal even he is proven innocent?"
Because that thing can make the org reputation from up high to sky diving.
So my guess, sinatraa most likely will stay in SEN at least until his case is over or until his ban in PRO player is over.