Can you tell which Sova is better? Comparing these two players is unfair to the other player, but what are your thoughts?
Leo >>>>>>>
Trent because trexx plays sova for them
Leo > you
Sacy >>>> Leo
Mwzera > SKrossi
leo and its not close
leo (not biased)
lot of eu frog here trent is def better than leo as sova leo might be better overall tho he is one of most flexible players eu
leo better as sova too 100%
Trent has better Mechanics!
Leo is probably the most overrated sova of this game lmao, hes def top 10 flex players in the world but he loses to many people as sova
I hecking love EMEA F4U 5
EMEA people biased, leo barely even plays sova so pls stop bsing and just say trent
he is the agent he plays most nowadays wdym
Leo is very underrate player. He's not inferior to Trent, but people talk too little about him.
Mfer trent is the best player itw rn. These EU frogs think EU players are all that cz they had like 1 really good team in 2021 and 1 that got lucky with other team using exploits!! LMFAO