All the good players such as yay, trent, cryocells, cNed, Zander play with relatively slow sens( <0.35 @ 800dpi), high sens players like Asuna, TenZ, ScreaM etc either go ham or plays bad! Seems like slow sens is more consistent!
That's the idea ig but in real match situation i don't think it pans out that way sometimes. Some people might think due to having different utility in this game that you need to break, high sens might be the way to go but imo if your crosshair isn't at the right place you are rarely going to win cz the TTK is too low and you can't rely on spray either if you miss the first hs.
i play 0.20 800 dpi and i can clean 180 if i need to, for me the time where my micro adjustments become consistent from like 50+ meters is like 0.12 or 0.15, that's me, pros use what they feel comfortable with, doesn't matter if u can shoot a long shot if u get w key rushed and cannot move 2 feet to the right to kill someone, just use the sense which works for u