they dont need to cheat to absolutely dump on the bronze region. all i wish for is c9 vs any of these dogshit teams in brazil so all these delusional fans cry.
they should make kj ult like 10x more durable so that basically only a full sova ult (three shots) or like a point-blank raze nade can kill it (or ofc shooting it)
Its ok if someone is using lineups to break it
Like ive seen sova, kayo, raze line ups and thats fine coz doing a lineup takes a lil skill
But this breach ability just goes through walls
it's kinda a big mistake having insane abilities for so cheap. Wish abilities would be more expensive. like sage wall 800 credits, mollies 400 credits, smokes 500 credits. with abilities so cheap (800 for everything) this game is so boring.