I am a 16y/o Indian user who followed valorant since 2020. I was grieved by the recent performances of GE and also disheartened by the toxicity in vlr.gg, the users were fighting among themselves. Some of them talked shit about the country, its teams and their fans. There are some fights where there is no one at fault. I came on vlr bcoz I thought that it is a diverse community of gamers from diff regions who give their opinions which made it diff from liquipedia..I was wrong,most of the users were toxic, but no one can blame anyone,it is our human nature of being upset if someone doesn’t respect our opinions. But we also have a good side, we are also good humans, we can lose our minds sometimes but we should not get toxic. There is a thin line between being toxic and disagreeing. I also blame the SA users who overhyped literally everything about this region, they have a mindset that needs appreciation by foreign people(it can be changed). I am not saying Indians are innocent, they are toxic af. But I request vlr users to take an extra effort by writing “I respect your opinion but I think ……….(your point).”I am very sorry if someone is offended ,its ok if you post your own points ,it should be a healthy debate.I am leaing vlr after a few days and also valorant as exams are approaching. So bye everyone, I am satisfied that I have left something on a positive note.
GG for my vlr ACC.
I would be pleased if you share your opinions, Idk if people will downvote or upvote (let's see).
Bye my fellow vlr users.