Guild vs Acend: close 2-1 i feel like Guild will get the dub as acend might underestimate them
FPX vs Gambit: fpx is sooo washed that they had to escape to cis challengers. ez 2-0 for gambit
LDN UTD vs BIG: LDN united sounds like football team but in valorant you use your hands not feet to aim so ez dub for BIG
Fnatic vs BBL: turk teams KEKW
NAvi vs Liquid: IF sliggy doesnt use his 15head comps 2-0 otherwise a close 2-1 for liquid as they piss on NAVI
G2 vs SMB: turk teams KEKW
EG vs LG: potter supremacy 15head
PK vs SEN: zombs drops the PK shit region tweet and then drops another 2 kills ig. PK win
xset vs c9: xset looking shaky c9 probs win
Rise vs v1: zander just hits diff plus shanks is washed. ez 2-0 for v1
100t vs Guard: boomer plus washed ex liquid player who got dropped like 2 decades ago = trash team. Guard is btec gambit so ez win
Nrg vs optic india: F0rsaken left the team and yay just cant replace the impact forsaken had so probably an nrg win