The Big Yayster said main problems are
- Similar roles: Corey isn't an entry fragger and Wardell too. Looks like Corey and Roza have similar roles.
- Lack of team play, bad comms.
So TSM failure #1 with the roster building is signing Corey - who is raging on Twitter about people saying he's a baiter. Ofc he's not a baiter but his role on TSM is an entry and space creation (Jett) - he can't do this role cuz of his playstyle.
If they would have BabyBay or D3ffo instead of Corey things would've been better. They could entry cites, create more space etc
Lack of team play and bad comms rely on ambitions, working ethics and number of scrims. I feel like nor Roza nor Wardell doesn't have these things, so they are kinda hopless in terms of success. Corey is good aimwise and as the secondary fragger, his role should be instead of Roza + top tier entry on Jett. Wardell must change his role into sentinel, pracc rifling or get retarted if not cuz u cant play chamber only on all maps. Other guys like Levy and their 18 y.o. IGL have some potential for sure, I would not blame them for these results.