wanted to make one before emea challengers started
S: Astra, Chamber, Jett, Reyna, Sova
A: Cypher, Skye, Viper, Killjoy
B: Kayo, Sage, Raze
C: Breach. Brimstone, Neon
D: Omen, Phoenix, Yoru
correct me in the comments
It depends on what map u play. Any agents can be S tier in different maps except yoru and phoenix. But jett is S tier in all the whole maps btw
Breeze - S Tier = Viper, Reyna, Sova, Cypher, Jett, Kayo
Ice box - S Tier = Viper, Sova, Sage, Jett
Ascent - S Tier = Astra, Sova, Skye, Cypher, Killjoy, Reyna, Kayo, Jett
Split - S Tier = Astra, Skye, Raze, Jett, Cypher, Killjoy, Sage, Breach, Omen(must have a plan)
Haven - S Tier = Astra, Sova, Skye, Reyna, Breach, Jett, Killjoy, Chamber
Fracture - S Tier = Brim, Viper, Raze, Chamber, Breach, Killjoy, Cypher, Jett
Bind - S Tier = Astra, Viper, Killjoy, Raze, Jett, Cypher, Skye, Sova
Finally a smart comment. Except for brim, neon, omen, phoenix, yoru, who are the worst on any map, all agents can have the same level of usefulness and impact, depending on the map. However, it is safe to say that Jett is above everyone else, as she is the only agent that is present in 99.99% of professional matches on any map. It is the only "must have" agent.
So the fair tierlist would be:
God: Jett
Good (Here the order of agents depends on the map): Astra, Chamber, Reyna, Sova, cypher, skye, Viper, kj, kayo, sage, raze, breach
Bad: brim, neon, omen, phoenix
Yoru: yoru