...make sure to pick the 4th.
And make sure to pick either Yoru or Neon, it will be insta-dodge from someone on your team :)
Don't everyone do it? Seen it a lot of times on Mumbai server
Be a GIGACHAD and lock in Astra instead
GIGACHADS instalock brimstone
The thing is that tripple duellist is good in ranked lol, stop acting like its proplay, your initiator teammates wont initiate you anyways
The problem is that most insta lock duelists are dumb and only bait you and the rest of the team
or they are litterally tryna be the next prod bunnyhopping and spinning with shit aim
3 duelist is actually kinda strong in ranked ngl
as long as there is a smoker, its fine
I'm usually the smoker tbh
my ranked is totally different. my duo instalocks smokes and other don't even take duelists. I personally play flashers but looking at team comp I have to play duelists sometimes
I also pick duelist and say “go go duelist 5 duelist let’s go”
60% of the time it works every time.
This thread no longer has its value anymore. Just played a game with 4 duelists and me as smoke (chad Brimstone) and we stomped.
When this happens to me, no one dodges we just do 5 duelists and end up winning 13-4 or something