paiN Gaming
paiN Gaming
Matheus Lima
Vitor Hugo
Leon Felipe
Murillo Tuchtenhagen
Matheus Colleto
will not renew contracts with their Valorant team, while Matheus "pepa"
Colleto is leaving the team completely.

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After being initially fielded in the summer of 2020, paiN took a while to cement themselves as a top squad in Brazil following an unwanted finish to the year. Adding Leon "ryotzz" Felipe and Matheus "pepa" Colleto seemed to do just that, as they qualified for the national Masters event in Stage 1: Challengers 3, their first and only attempt at qualifying. In Stage 1: Masters, after defeating Vorax, they were struck down 2-0 by Vikings 2-0, the eventual tournament winners.
Stage 2 unraveled itself in a similar fashion, with the team qualifying for the Brazil Challengers Finals in the third Challengers event, their sole attendance. The Challengers Finals themselves handed paiN an early exit after they dropped to the lower bracket at the hands of FURIA and were sent packing by Ingaming.
The players revealed today that the organization had chosen not to renew contracts, meaning the players were org-less. They're now taking time to explore any individual offers they may come across but, as stated by ryotzz on Twitter, there's a chance they may stick together. On the other hand, pepa has distanced himself from the squad completely and is also awaiting offers.
Carlos "CeVSUD" Alessandro Picinato, the team's coach, remains with paiN. His future as a Valorant coach isn't guaranteed, as per his TwitLonger, and he is exploring his future path in the organization.
The former paiN roster was: