After a month on Andbox Andbox Inactive oderus Chad Miller mummAy Anthony DiPaolo Lear Dayton Akau Jonaaa6 Jonard Penaflor vice Daniel Kim 's sidelines, Adam "mada" Pampuch has been acquired by Luminosity Luminosity Inactive moose Kaleb Jayne mada Adam Pampuch dazzLe Will Loafman bdog Brandon Sanders TiGG Tanner Spanu .

Luminosity Gaming
Please welcome @madafps to the Luminosity VALORANT roster!

As we continue to reshape our VALORANT roster for the future, we are thrilled to announce @Luminosity has acquired Mada for the coming season. Mada will be a great addition to round out our team dynamics.

mada was one of Andbox's founding members, being the fifth and final player to join the roster in April 2021. With mada, Andbox played multiple VCT events and reached their peak form in VCT's Stage 2. After a top-four placement in Challengers 2, Andbox attended the Challengers Finals, which they exited in the top eight. Andbox would not return to another VCT event in 2021.

Excluded from the VCT for the remainder of 2021, Andbox attended several events outside Riot's official circuit, among them several NSG ones, to close out the year. The team only found success in the NSG Winter Championship: Open 1, winning the grand final 2-0 against Knights.

mada's first showing for Luminosity in 2022 was also in the NSG Winter Championship. In the 12th Open tournament, his skills took the team to a tournament victory.

This is not the first time mada has been linked to Luminosity, having previously played for them during the First Strike qualifiers in October and November 2020. He now joins as a definitive member of the team for the 2022 season.

With only one slot open, Luminosity Luminosity Inactive moose Kaleb Jayne mada Adam Pampuch dazzLe Will Loafman bdog Brandon Sanders TiGG Tanner Spanu are:

  • Kaleb "moose" Jayne
  • Adam "mada" Pampuch
  • Will "dazzLe" Loafman
  • Tanner "TiGG" Spanu
  • Jared "mac" Schneider (Head coach)