Team Heretics Team Heretics Europe Unranked MiniBoo Dominykas Lukaševičius Wo0t Mert Alkan RieNs Enes Ecirli benjyfishy Benjamin David Fish Boo Ričardas Lukaševičius has announced Melih " pAura " Karaduran as the second player of their Valorant line-up, just a day after signing lowel as captain.

Team Heretics

Our project goes all the way to Turkey, we introduce @pauravalorant as the 2nd player of the team.

Welcome and #VamosHeretics!

Known for his Cypher play, he has notably played with the Turkish mix looking4org looking4org Inactive Mavera Erim Sasal Turko Mehmet Özen m1tez Muhammed Tezcan Toronto Erdem Soğukpınar XiSTOU Göktuğ Canciğer (now Oxygen Esports), who won several competitions such as the Valorant Europe 1k tournament and the CLUTCH BATTLES, and later left the team in late August. pAura was also with loWel on Inferno Inferno Inactive nieSoW Dustyn Durnas , who participated in the LVL Clash 2 tournament.

The signing was first reported by Arran "Halo" Brown. He also reported that Team Heretics is expected to sign nieSoW and Avova to the roster.

Team Heretics Team Heretics Europe Unranked MiniBoo Dominykas Lukaševičius Wo0t Mert Alkan RieNs Enes Ecirli benjyfishy Benjamin David Fish Boo Ričardas Lukaševičius ' current roster is:

  • Christian "loWel" Garcia Antoran
  • Melih "pAura" Karaduran