I'm sure tailored was a good friend and presence to the players but their strats and basic fundamentals have been awful, hopefully they can pick up a good coach (Maybe have Cutler transition to a coaching role if he is interested/good at it), but overall TSM just need to work on fundamentals. I believe either LG or IMT did trading and positioning drills over and over just to get basics perfect, which would be a great help to TSM. Sidenote: Sentinels before they picked up TenZ had the best fundamentals in NA and their trading is especially amazing, with the TenZ pickup it has been slightly thrown out because of his over-aggressive peeking style and doesn't seem to comm much when he's in game (or at least doesn't seem to in the sen comms video).
TLDR; Fundamentals and comms is what makes a team far more consistent, which is something that Sentinels' core has been very good at for a long time, and TSM has consistently lacked good Fundamental gameplay.