i cant sleep and I have homework to do, wbu?
bro straight up tell your teacher not to give them credit. Just tell the teacher you decided to do it on your won because they didn't do any work and turn it in as an individual essay. Not fair to you and it's their fault for trying to make you do their work for them. They dont deserve to get a grade
I don't think it's understanding man, they're clueless to the point they didn't know the deadline is next week even though it's plainly written on the question page under instructions and he didn't know the grades this assignment this would carry(a question he asked me on 2 separate occasions) and it really shows how little he gives. Motherfucker was saying "I wanted to prioritise the test we had on friday" as if I didn't have the same test, I still did my part because I have shame motherfucker.