they will also give oce spots to even it so it isnt 16 slots
We dont need a 16 teams format, we deserve a 32 spots format
Several regions got a bottleneck:
Korea got VS
Oceania got ORDER
These teams are SO dominant in their region that they take over their respective spots to international tournaments, and because of problems like this many E-Sports teams, if in their region they have an extremely powerful team they don't invest in the eSport, it has already happened with Nuturn, and NiP left Europe to go to Brazil.
It would be better to have a 32-team format so that more T1 teams from EU & NA would go to worlds and at the same time the small regions would not be underrepresented, having enough places to reward the communities that support the game the most and the regions like LATAM that have stood out especially in previous worlds.