Lol there is just 1 guy with 180 points in pickems. Gg to that guy
He has the script
Surely no one on this earth expected sentinaLs losing to kru. Well, this madman did...or I think he made alt account to do all the possible outcomes on each account...who knows i am at 160 points
Wow dude...but you still didn't expect sentinaLs right?
I dont like sen at all but i didnt expect them to lose to kru
Yeah we share same thoughts
i excepted but not all other xd
wtfffffff how you put kru over SEN brooo
You see his flair??
It’s not the flair, it was obvious bro
even then keeping kru over SEN is not that good for pickem
damnn!! you guys keep flexing... meanwhile me who has less than 90 :((((((((
why you hacc bru :/
me no hack :)