EU flexing 4 teams in playoffs but at the end of the event at least 3 of them will be eliminated. Meanwhile NA will have only at least 2 eliminated. NA stay winning!
NA will have 3 teams eliminated too...... NA math checks out
If NA team wins only 2 got eliminated, EU reading+math checks out
'only atleast 2 eliminated' all three getting eliminated before semis
Cope harder
ur the one coping rn
Didn't emea best team almost lose to sucktinels
+1 exactly almost lost to rolex boy
Didn't sucktinels lost to KRU? and TL beat the shit out of them
Yea and still almost beat best EU pepelaugh
that doesn't mean anything they are eliminated XD
Exactly so lilquid almost lost to the 5eam that lost to Kru
Lmaoo then got 2 rounds on a map against a team that lost to kru
No they didnt
Cope sucktinels won a map 13-2 and another map went ot
Bind is liquid worst map. Try again.
What? Keep coping you dont get to have a "worst" map for an excuse, its professional play
Yes every teams does and everyone knows its liquid worst map lmao
You get a ban for a reason, keep coping if you have bad maps still it means youre a bad team
Didnt NA's best team lose to aCned (Who choked against Brazil)
Envy sux
If best NA team sux that means the whole region sux
Envy isn't the best team dumbass
c9 ?
Cope and seethe, NA will never win anything ever again LULW
Cope EU stay losing
Lulquid ass Lmost lost to sen
sleep well NA fan