Their defense never works with the meta comps... it just doesn't .. cuz thats not how their playstyle is!
As a cypher , you always place ur utility over B site and C site. While your rest of the team can stack A.
Mind freak wasn't even placing trips on B MAIN AND GARAGE. What he does is , he places kill trips and a passive cam for C long.
Now because of that garage and B someone has to hold no? Jinng and Mindfreak were holding garage together which isnt a bad thing BUT IT DOESNT WORKS FOR THIS COMP FOR GODSAKE OHH MY GOD.
As a cypher ur supposed to place trips on b main and 1 for ur site to anchor , while ur cam can hold garage and play retake with ur team (This meta u aint holding sites lmao its just retake simulator)
nAts , benjyfishy , meteor , less and any other sentinal mains always prefer map control over kill trips. Their whole role is to make sure they secure map control for their team so his team can stack other site of map.
Idk who the IGL of DRX is , but the IGL figured out this weakness , took advantage of Neon's space making utility. Pinched mindfreak thrice. WHY??? we are playing Haven map. A map with 3 sites. There will be always 1 weaker site. Which is why Cypher is meta over KJ because of global utility which lets him have huge MAP CONTROL.
And because Mindfreak never utilised the global trips for map control. Sites were weaker since the team was scattered around the maps. It's literally better off than not play cypher honestly.
"But they went 8-4 on attack". Its PRX they always good on attack.
Guys the comps are never the issue for PRX. It's how they utilise the comps. They won't win any matches if they keep playing this comp with THIS PLAYSTLE. Now they should either change their playstyle , or they should use the comps suited for their playstyle.
But regardless Jingg on Omen is really a good pick cuz Jinngg can still play aggressive at the same time they do not have to worry about the agent pool.
Atleast PRX are trying to make changes which is why I love watching this team play. Regardless whether they win or lose , i will watch this team.