Has anyone watched this team and if yes, do they actually look good or are they just aim diffing cus they have good players? VLR says these guys are 34 and 0 rn and they keep winning t3 tournaments.
For a second there I thought you were talking about Lando Norris
Let’s look at the players Let’s look at their stats now… WOW CRAZY STRATS
Now let’s look at their stats in Tier 1
they have 4 players that used to play in t1 before franchising.
and they are playing pickup teams.
They're playing a lot of them yeah, but they've also beaten some t2 teams like QOR, Winthrop and burger boys.
Crazy how this mf single handedly caused landor to lose
my fault og
they have the goat shotup but he hasn't taken the game serious in years so they will always be good but wont get anywhere