didnt play cant tell. both beat t1 once but lost rematch. i mean edg beat g2 too but didnt play each other so cant tell. but id say vitality just cuz they came 4th and edg swiss stage wise was the best
edg also showed more stuff overall whenever they weren't actively throwing. edg lower finals and it's a 50/50 but swiss stage edg i have more faith in them against vit
Vitality and I say this as an emea fan they don't even look sure of themselves despite being number 1 and are actively looking to make changes this quickly gives me heavy doubts about them staying number 1 for the entire year
VIT vs EDG would've been fun to watch but didn't happen. EDG would've won since Sayf chokes against strong Asian players/teams. Anyways Mickey Mouse 1st Masters don't matter.