Ranking numbers from 0-10 from how likely henbaby Is to lose a fight against.
10: #1, henbaby would not lose a fight against this stick, what is he gonna do? Poke him?
9: #0 literal donut he can’t even touch the goat who does he think he is
8: #8 just the number zero with extra steps, like if goat grabs the middle of him what can he do? It’s like grabbing a dog by the collar
7: #6 again it’s just zero with extra steps, although 6 has a arm at the top he can hit goat with I’m sure he could dodge and it doesn’t look flexible so I think he got this
6: #2 doesn’t look very strong but his shape might cause him a little trouble, but would he lose? Nah. 2 looks like a mid - low dif
5: #9, nine looks like he could bta but I think it’s all for show, like nine is all bark no bite he can’t do anything
4: #3, 3 looks like he close and could handcuff henbaby and he has sone sharp angles that lowkey could hurt, the only way goat could hurt him is if henbaby actually started trying.
3: #7 is like a whip, this is a high dif, I still think goat got this but idk it might cause him trouble
2: #4, four has a weird shape and lots of sharp angles, there nowhere safe he could punch, grab, grapple at all because it like a knife stabbing into him, goat could figure something out though
1: #5 Five looks like a absolute tank I have no doubt five would whoop ass ngl this is a neg dif, when I think of 5 I think of eddy hall running at 40km/h ( like 20mph) henbaby loses this.