Bro raka k gaaf mein keede hote hai kabhi kabhi.......
The thing was Raka made a tweet about people who do watchparty that it's the easiest shit and they get lots of watching. Though he targetted everyone but they person who was doing the most watch parties was Binks. Fa2, Tbone used to do it sometimes.
But Binks was doing for like 3 regions non-stop without sleeping or with very less sleep. Well the thing about raka is he's sometimes good and sometimes very shitty. He transitioned from Valo/CS to GTA RP and gambling streams just coz of money and used to trash talk people who play valo or other single game.
I used to watch raka when he used to play with carry like during PUBG times and he was genuinely very good streamer but rn he's just attention seeker and wants money.
Binks, also isn't like a saint he also had his moments but due to him Indian valo scene had a rise. He was invited for Ascension and played in a showmatch and still unfortunately the only indian streamer to play.
But Tbone is like the mediator who doesn't want drama he just wants superchat kekw. He's the only one who's like a bride between two groups of S8ul and Velocity.
But the beloved JOD gang was a great time before this rivalry and shit.
I personally want them to come together, but it's highly unlikely since both parties have high ego issues. Even the founders of their orgs can't do anything.