I dont think he is that impactful as a duelist should be , so wich players would be a good replace? (Considering that GL might disband and Mw is not signed with keyd stars)
You can watch this VODs if you want. He played raze and top fragged at all the maps, its a really good game.
First map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXgna06oHEE.
Second map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q3DbCG31mA
Third map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAGY5xaDZCk.
Nao tem cenario melhor que o GaabMonstroX na vks, a sharks ta meio pra baixo e desanimada, ja kickaram o fra e o light, ja acho q vao dar disband, e de todos os mains djett prefiro ele porque ele entende mt do game, é bem inteligente e ta top3 jett ( Heat, Jonn, Gaabx ). tbm gostaria do aspas mas sendo bem sincero ele é um jogador que n bate com as caracteristicas da vks, que é um time mt inteligente, bem settado etc