Surely they just promote their acad next year right? Like i dont think i have seen a t2 roster as dominant as this one
its not their academy pcific is a different org
Oh ok, but they dont have like restricted fa rights or something like that?
if they ascend the team stays togehter
What's the age of all players?
Crewed 20 Rose 20 or 21 Comeback 17 Loita and Larok both 16 or 17
comeback will be ready from the start i think. Loita and larok might not be able to start the season from the beginning. They were 16 last year.
Crewen and rose are both ready
liquipedia says both larok and loita are 17 and will turn 18 in the autumn so they will be able to play in vct
W lets fucking go
fantastic if accurate
Just poach the main 3 core
Comeback larok and that other guy loita
I mean yeah a roster with profek, jamppi and comeback,larok crewen could work but why dont give the chance to the whole roster, they are looking great together
Id change jampii with rose DEPENDING on how jampii plays this year.
I really love rose he is such a good IGL and the chemistry may even be better
if you promote 4 of them you might as well get all 5, and you're definitely not keeping a non turkish player
Honestly this roster is so good i would just stick with the 5 and go full faith on them
I don't think that's a global event winner roster
Comeback, larok,loita, jammppi and 5th do a trial and see which is better than all of the 4 players
- Considering they know basic english
bro named him "that other guy loita"
I didn't remember the name but I know these 3 were frying
You can find tons of good aim players, but you can't find an Operator player this good. I hope Comeback plays in VCT
he will play with pcific in vct next year
With Pcific or not, I just want Comebackfps
2021 cned all over again
guys i have btw question sry for non talking discussion What is Comeback sensivity?
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Fnc should try to get Larok instead of crashies
still too young