Flag: Bulgaria
Registered: November 8, 2024
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 5:22 AM
Posts: 15

smokers are the most boring class but have the best design omen viper clove and casual players love them but breach or tejo even if they are strong they have mid design so they are not played by the casual player

posted 4 days ago

riot pays for good designs how do you think casual players and players are going to want to play her if she is ugly

posted 4 days ago

so ugly

posted 4 days ago

I care because if content creators like Tarik or Tenz don't say ew stop that's weird the kpop fans will continue and my content on my social media for valorant will be all kpop-valorant. When edg won champs all my fyp valorant content was how kangkang -smoggy gay couple theory edits i checked their profile and ofc it was a 14 year old girl tbh i don't even play this game anymore cause of players like that i just watch it i think leo faria is trying hard to kick me and cs fans out of the game judging by his tweet

posted 1 week ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Filu top 5 dualists

posted 3 months ago

Delete Raze
Delete Iso
Delete Killjoy
Delete Kuronami
Delete Gaia's Vengeance
Delete Nocturnum
Delete Haven
Delete Sunset
Delete Breeze

posted 3 months ago

ascension was so fun to watch because no was gave a fuck cause they were one time opponents and just yelling at each other

posted 3 months ago

its a game don't take the game too seriously

posted 3 months ago

Why is riot legit starting to act like big brother i just wanna play and have fun with with my friends. But if you say something in vc that is slightly racist or sexist BOOM cooms ban. WHY in cs people are being racist all they want and no one has an issue its a game and if you ban a player from comms in a competitive game it ruins the game for everyone. Now maybe the culture in NA is different but in Eu that's how you talk in every game. Until they fix that the most fun thing to do in val will remain will be e-dating for the people as the brings the spiciness there is no arguing no yelling just fucking uwu

posted 3 months ago

But valorant is a progressive game not like Cs or other shooters i believe if flor or other trans can play in tier 3 with no problem and if someone is being transphobic call him out idk why mel didn't call out the player that was being sexist.i watch only GC champs and it feels like spotlight almost very match the male has the most kills but instead of the male the trans, because simply the trans has more experience.

posted 3 months ago

Love me some valorant forums

posted 3 months ago

Maybe i didnt phrase myself good i am not saying every mvp is trans but look flor is trans and isbest GC player , Srn is trans and carries almost every game that mbir plays tbh i dont watch GC normally so i dont know anymore names so maybe there are more
But the thing i have bigger problem with is that most nonbinary people can play in tier 3 valorant is very accepting game its not cs majority of them are not dating men or paining nails they are living normal men life but just taking women spots for roaster. i think there was player bob that was non binary and he went to challengers and was trash but in gc was mediocre. They are just taking women spots

posted 3 months ago

Ok but allowing everyone but cisgender males is stupid and it doesn't help that the top fraggers are trans or nonbinary. GC is to show how good women AND marginalized genders are but if those marginalized genders are so much better than the women. The major concept of the whole thing is going away.

posted 3 months ago