For me it is PatrickWho
MB, I should have elaborated more
for example the name f0rsaken suits Jason cuz he has been abandoned to flex always(desert) and Meteor (I want to hear from caster's "Meteor has struck again!" who just opened up round for his team by lurking and also names like yay and leaf suits them bcuz how good they were on chamber like iconic Japanese caster going " yay took the first blood... yaay! he has come and he is looking dangerous . yaaaaay! yaaaaay! A good headhunter is exceptional, Its a headhunter showdown. Its going to be an ace right away. I'm borrowing it. World are you watching this ?
Its American chamber! and also for leaf you can go like "it was just a SINGULAR LEAF.
And I also forgot it was PatrickWatson and not PatrickWho it was mentioned in's stream I forgot cuz many of us were referring PatrickWatson as PatrickWho