ive always imagined vyse as a baddie, but i read a tweet saying she was ugly. do u guys think vyse is a baddie or nah
Get off twitter
Give me sauce to rate
ugly. looks like a man.
no thats a REAL woman
real woman have feminine traces.
dont do this to my main :<
meh i would hit but still prefer Reyna
She is bad asf I would give away my rights to her but unfortunately, gotta respect my dawg Omen 8/8 tho
Vyse is hot but Clove, Reyna and Sova are better imo
Sova clears all tbf Man ticks every box of stereotypical good looking guy and he is a hunter too. Aura
I imagine his ass is very tight with how serious he is. That mf has never not clenched his hole
That's...very specific
Viper is my personal fav 😍
-5 vlr rating, please don't sexualize the video game characters 🙏
Mb, I'll learn from this experience and be better.
its been one day and we've already got these threads