i was looking for the clip with s0m inside the smoke whiffing with shorty, i wanted to watch this again lol but all the clips have someone annoying reacting to it
thats what I always struggle with pulling clips, its all ways TARIK REACTS TO S0MS INSANE SHORTY WHIFF INSANE
just search like nrg vs prx masters tokyo and click on the posted livestream one. then skip to pearl. i think it was in ot and prx was attacking
i didnt watch tokyo, why is this clip trolled on so much (other than the fact som had 4 iq in this moment)
it was a major sell by s0m and it costed nrg the series.
I wouldn't say costed since it wasn't match point but it was bad yeah
with that momentum, prx were able to win pearl. and nrg won map 2, so if s0m didn't choke it could have been a 2-0.
its w stripper, he has shorty, no time, cove, its prx, its nrg, https://imgur.com/a/y2FZKJh
just search up cgrs clutch
Bro why the hell you brought in back lmao
i was thinking about the best clip with every gun and thought this probably should've been the shorty one
Bro I just realised you're 229fn
when was i not 229fn, did i evolve from 228fn
I subscribed you btw big fan
oh wait thanks so much, i didn't even consider the fact that people could recognize me on here lol
I love your video " The best VCT clips on every agents" that my favourite
ah that's so cool thanks so much
you already have a video titled "The Best VCT Clip With Every Gun" tho
i know but i was looking to do another one specifically with only 2025 clips, there hasn't been a good classic or outlaw play yet though