Who will be the Top5 Waylay duelist players in the near future? Operator will be abused with this agent I'm sure.
Aspas Primmie Kangkang Alfajer Derke
She's kinda like derkes playstyle.
kk meteor izu hyunmin f0rsaken
If the emperor TenZ comes back, then he will rightfully be the top Waylay.
TenZ doesn't like being first entry he said it himself
bro come back to where you disappeared please
don't sleep on zekken, he LOVES "flashy" agents
tbh I really feel like this agent was made for something
it could be but the oping potential is not high enough I'm afraid
Lets hope PRX comes back for Toronto Masters
She is high sens agent Something is gonna be the best imo Primmie and Tenz did not even play 50% of her potential yesterday