we need a public apology, like what you guys did back in 2022 with zeta. better do it
that's my 7-8th team
proving everyone wrong against all odds
shut up bitch
why is bro mad? shitpac won cheer the fuck up
Bro probably thinks Thailand won masters after watching the showmatch
weakest region's seed 2 won masters
They still got 5/8 right. Also, let's not be a bunch of Hindsight Harrys. T1 looked like the 2nd worst team going in to Bangkok (Trace should've been lower though, I'll admit) They improved so much throughout this tournament.
it's just for fun, im not expecting them to do it. Like in 2022, I would've also put zeta dead last but they got top 3 out of nowhere
Chill out it's just an objective teirlist based on the previous matches, not something worth a public apology
Why not? It's for engagement anyway.