103 kills would disagree
Flag: | India |
Registered: | August 3, 2024 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 1:14 PM |
Posts: | 28 |
Chill out it's just an objective teirlist based on the previous matches, not something worth a public apology
"G2 were the better team", "G2 deserved to win"
Stop the cope, the better team won and that's it.
MVPs are from the wining team, dawg did play phenomenal tho
you dont know anything about friendship and it shows
EDG looking like the best team in bankok rn even better than VIT
champs 2024 had 9M viewership, even leo said that the stars just happened to align and it will stay the highest for a while
nah we aint matching champs 2024 numbers anytime soon, champs china might beat it tho
I have seen a lot of doomer narrative about how the viewership online and offline both is lower and how marvel rivals has stolen valorant's player base, tbh i started watching vct in 2024 and it does seem a little lacking in hype as compared to last year, tho even last year people were using this narrative of valorant dying so i dont really know anymore, anyone got the stats?
like every other team whats your point?
its a bo5 but i get what you mean
chill out bro they are still the 2nd best team in emea
ig aspas and derke are more consistent but kk has higher highs
tarik for Americas and sen games, ardis for EMEA, whoever is streaming for Pacific
we doing this based on facts or just feelings? cuz only 2 of those teams in top 5 are even left in kickoffs rest are all out, based on facts list
EG aint it bro,i was hoping for a yay chamber masterclass on split :(
what a match both teams looking so good
why are you attacking india lol? derke has been inconsistent the last season and that's facts, and to all those saying "first time watching" or derke was top fragging the previous seasons, the word "consistent" means always good which derke the last season was not
lmao not bro saying derke is consistent
what are the top teams then?