Here’s the one mostly agreed upon before the grand finals one player per top four team, G2 or T1 could have two players
How would you change it?
how do you only have 1 player from the winning team lol
This was before the grand finals
derke is still better than buzz idc
I would put Meteor over Chichoo, he's really proven himself
Where would you put your EDG slot Then
my bad, didnt see that there has to be 1 from each team
All good!
Kangkang Izu Valyn Meteor Kicks
Need a player for all the top four teams
replace stax with kicks and replace jawgemo with kangkang
EDG slot (nvm)
Ooooo I don’t think I can upgrade that team
yi tu
Same as well. This roaster would do wonders.
Derke Meteor Chichoo Izu Smoggy
Smoggy is a decent shout but an igl makes sense to have
replace izu with stax for igl and init
Good list then but I feel like Izu should be there
Chichoo Derke Stax Trent Jawgemo or Meteor for firepower
Good list even though I like Izu
Izu valyn chichoo derke trent
Good list, wait, that’s my list
i did not realize LMFAO