MAKO after winning PACIFIC GF said that his former teammates are so bad
This aged poorlY
MAKO crying in corner
0/8 be more creative next time
Mako is a fraud who beat z0kken and thought he was good 🤪
bro SHUT THE FU*K UP, MaKo never said his former teammates are so bad, and you also can sense he's just joking when he mentioned about that, they all love and respect each other
did he actually?
He said but in a troll/banter way
But he said at finals
Evene if said jokingly he is regretting that xd
it was banter, and he was actually praising them for being good and a tough opponent to beat
Guys I am not lying
Check post interview of T1 VS DRX PACIFIC FINALS
I have watched every Pacific match
its just banter lmao, they in a whole group chat together
It was a mistranslation for your info Jenn actually went with the simple translation and went with mid mako never meant bad to his ex teammates