And Why are all Chinese teams so unlikeable?(Expect wolves,DRG)
no one thinks like that i think ur just racist also 0/8 get better
If I don't like Chinese teams, it doesn't mean that I hate the Chinese LOL
"why are korean teams so likeable and chinese so unlikeable" u got reasons?
u are racist. if u werent u wouldnt have posted this dumbass
its like if i posted why are all russian people unlikeable but some and americans so kewl.
Did I say I hate Chinese? I said that I don't like Chinese teams not Chinese
ok. i absolutely fucking hate russian food its digusting but i love japanese food. (not racist btw)
I hate Russian food too
Russian man doesn't like russian food
ngl that's not racist? its just preference even with this type of context
OP's original comment was kind of weird but you took it too far
he's probably just butthurt about Champs 2024 GF, heretics flair hating on EDG, classic
you should visit china one day, its a beautiful country
maybe look at the CN league first? you can't like a team unless you see them...
I watched cn league
then perhaps its because CN hasn't been in the league for long enough
or maybe its bc CN got their own league despite being overall lower in skill level
idk I like both CN and KR teams
Same but I don't like NA teams personally.
NA is irrelevant to me tbh, I just don't care about their teams and league