Something Chronicle nAts Cloud Shao
Coach: ENGH
We need a Russian Franchise, a Russian T2, and maybe even a Russian T1 if KR become a huge powerhouse and we need to split Asia and Pacific
would be pretty fire but I would honestly prefer Rarga instead of something if you had intended Something to play duelist
rarga is good but maybe Jemkin is better. initally i wanted something to perma play jett but the meta is fucked up rn
Jemkin would also be great him or Rarga since they good on jett, Raze and Neon if i am remembering correctly
. ain't gonna do shit
engh is washed. ange1 coach would be better
We also need a Turkish super team but I don't think anyone has that much money
If we want a TR superteam, then we might need to count TR player as an import in other EMEA team, so you dont get poached
Split APAC in 2, Pacific (KR+JP+TW+OCE) and Asia (SEA+SA+ME and either TR or CIS or both) (We keep Magrehb for ping and cultural reason)
kr1stal good initiator
still Cloud is better
Been saying it
full russian roster in the big 2025 lol
1 nAts is better than 3 avg EU bots combined.
-something +Derke -shao +trexx