How is their coordination so ass? Lost 2v1 in pistol. Lost another 2v1 against iso. Just play together bruh. They would be at 6 rounds win rn if they had better coordination.
Also sayf igl playing entry duelist bruh. Iso was so good for them. Vit is actually playing so ass this map.
They like 23 fnc where they only win if they hit their shots
Nah bruh. 23 fnc has great macro much better than vit. Also fanatic synergy was so much better. No way you aren't trolling with this statement.
Sorry meant 24 fnc lmao. Their macro went away and just were not hitting the same shots
Yeah that makes Sense rather. Vit is indeed looking like that. Also vit coach looking like a fraud.
fnatic lost only 3 matches in 2023?
Lol vit actually picked this map when the are this shit. Vit needs better coaching staff. He trolled the map veto today. Also horrible comp for vit.