Weakest region ever. weaker than ch0ina
someone needs to remind them vyse was released and u can play her on lotus
Viper too
IDK how tf T1 make that far without any aimer. lol
I hate to break it to you, they made it here because of aimers..
Meteor is decent & mid. name any other aimer? lol
Idk man maybe the entire team other than stax?
lol. buzz,izu? buzz is the worst bodyshotter i ever seen. probally one of the worst duelist
yeah, for me except stax who is igl. everyone is aimer
agreed everyone except stax are better aimer than whole g2 roster
How does t1 not have aimers. It’s the only thing keeping them in the tournament what do you think a0t0mn is the reason they’re here?
If they have aim how tf lose after win 4 pistol rounds? they are so bad with rifles.
the t1 players were playing bad and vitality was reading them? Its not just aim bro
That mean apac doesn't have brain too
valorant is only about aim? tf is this braindead take
No. valorant is not only about aim. That mean Apac doesnt have brain & strats too
pistol round rely on aim bud
They have insane trading and util but terrible aimers. This team is probably not even top 5 in Pacific qhen it comse to aim.
Reminder that other region 2nd place are not even worth to mention
G2 clears you all
discord mods clear the whole plate
What a pathetic loser 😂
Lmao get humbled stupid ass retard