full individual barely any team work
well not everyone can be a team for 3 years
Truth Nuke
g2 fans getting scared 🤣😘 we coming for dat ass
you not making it past DRX 😹😹😹😹
who the fuck are "we" did you visit any lan matches? or did you get vitality jersey? who the fuck are we? tipical glory hunter. flag checkout
Who cares if someone’s a glory hunter or not? Everyone should have a right to support the team they want to support
no they are not, if you are acting like you are the part of any team "we" "us" you need to put any impact into team.
Brother it’s normal to refer as we if you are a supporter of that team. Every org needs fans, sponsors etc. to live so you can indeed say we if you are a fan
Fair point I agree with that
Wait bro learn about butterfly effect, (or just how support people can be good for the mental health)
Does this mean im a glory hunter? bc im swedish
Wasn mit dir los komm mal runter
how does the flag checkout?
are you?
G2 is all about leaf and trent. What you smoking?
this just means that vit has higher ceiling and will improve as the year goes
yep its just few months since they met def gonna improve as time goes they look way better then i expected them to at this early stage
am I just a knower? they farmed a dead region just to choke
Just like G2?
TL flair 😭😭 patitek is a disappointment to poland
G2 Flair XD Jonahp is a disappointment to Canada
worst superteam from the worst region 😭