Does a new T1 team join the kickoff of each year?

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I'm new to Val eSports so don't mind misuse of terms and stuff.
So I just found out about challengers and Ascension and how the work, I know it's used for 1 team from each region to join T1 vct, is there no descension? Where 1 team leave tier 1? Because if a team every year joins the yearly Kickoff, in the future, let's say 5 years from now, won't they b 17 Teams in the kickoff per region e.g. Americas?


teams get to stay if they make champions
they get to defend their spot at ascension if they make playoffs in their region
and they lose their spot is they dont make playoffs
also the total teams are limited to 12 so no more than 12 are possible i think


the system caps out at 12 teams per region
they changed the way it works this year since theres 12 teams now
I think if the team makes champs then they get 2 more years or smth
if they dont they have to face off against the winners of ascension
and i think if they're 9-12th they get relegated immediately


Initially the plan was to increase the teams year by year all the way up to maximum 14 teams, but last year they capped it at 12 teams and made it so that Ascension teams can stay for more than 2 years if they make Champions at the end of the year (if they made Stage 2 playoffs then they could fight for their spot in that year's Ascension tournament, and if they miss Stage 2 playoffs then they'll be relegated back to Tier 2)


each region has 10 partnered teams that will stay in tier 1 until i think 2027. this year, each region has 2 ascension teams that must make champions to keep their spot, or make regional stage 2 playoffs to go to this years ascension and fight for their spot back. if they can’t do either of those, they go back to challengers next year.
the ascension teams for each region are:
g2 and 2g in americas
m8 and apeks in emea
nongshim and boom in pacific
drg and xlg in china

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