people who complain about sen fans are more annoying than sen fans ever were
AS ALWAYS W PARAPLANT they hate us cause they aint us
you get it 1243
i see more rants about sen fans than said sen fans being insufferable, if you know who's fake flagging and baiting and who's not
only s0n fans agree
bro got the s0n fans upvoting on their weekly vlr visit
Damn very original ideas you have there. Im sure half of the site isn’t filled with insufferable sen fans
you’re proving my point right now
Im disagreing to a subjective unoriginal opinion doesn’t prove any of your points but I respect the upvote farming
i actually think that nobody is being insufferable right now the only person whining is you and the only argument you have is that i’m farming upvotes
Repeating same shit for hours is insufferable, sorry for having a personality