Brazilians come

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Sorry, I'm a bit late to the news, but was there any reason aspas chose MIBR over LOUD?

As far as I know (I watched Sean Gares and his guest talk about Brazilian rumors years ago), one of the reasons sacy and pancada left LOUD in 2022 and went to Sentinels was because they had beef with Less (?). Then, for the 2023 season, LOUD didn't do well because aspas also felt uncomfortable on the team at that time, so he left and joined Lev for 2024.

Now, for the 2025 season, LOUD has pancada, who is one of aspas homies (with sacy), so wouldn't it have made more sense for him to go back to LOUD?


mibr allowed aspas to build his "dream team"


At the moment when the aspas passed into the mibr, the roster of the loud was formed. And before that, Aspas almost became a bleed player and did not negotiate with loud

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