Either you are from NA or South NA We are all Americans
There is Central America also
Central America is a subregion of North America when speaking in geographical terms, the distinctions between the various Americas is pretty stupid in my opinion
That's still NA
Everything is America KKonaW
Who's going to be the H to my O2? Let's bond!
Asiamericans , Afrimericans , Antarticamericans , Europeamericans ,
btw is there any Caribbean team in NA circuit?
Nah :(
Its NOT about regions, ppl are dumb and generalise, That's the problem.
As a member of North NA I don't accept South NA
As a member of South NA i'm not very fond of North NA, but i'm willing to join forces to fight the greater evil: West NA
I’m on South America club, fuck NA
wtf we didnt do anything to u
Just kidding my friend 🤣
I understand you, but south NA = south north american and don't makes any sense, it's SA = south american ❤️
South NA Omegalul
South NA 🙂🙂🙂
"South NA" LOL
You're from Canada. We love the Canadians.