Swap something for a star Sentinel (the role) and the transition to normal agent comps is complete.
drop anyone other than forsaken and get an actual igl
i think they should drop jing coz he cant flex that much atleast smth can play breach,fade,sova
he can play sentis now hes been playing deadlock cypher kj and smokes on some maps
Bro so bad with cypher always overpeek trap not use properly
gotta give him some time but yeah bro needs to chill
the 2 people who voted mindfreak should have their accounts deleted
-Jingg & +Laz
-jingg - something
+rossy Initiator IGL +APAC Duelist
Mf: smokes Forsaken: Flex David: Senti
Can i keep f0rsaken only and kick out the rest 4?